Δευτέρα 21 Ιουνίου 2010

Νέα skills και feats (fake)

Να και μερικά skills και feats (skills->πράσινο , feats -> μπλε) που θα λάτρευαν κάποιοι παίκτες στο D&D :

  • Listen to music
1. mp3/mp4 player or i-pod with headphones
2. recharger and socket
3. rogue 2 / wizard 2 / cleric 2 / psion 1

When it happens for you to get bored of the fight and need some good time and faster rest you can use your mp3/mp4/i-pod device to rest and heal 1d4 hp/hour. However you get a -10 to your listen skill while resting with your digital player, which means you won't even listen to an elephant passing. Make sure to find a socket in the dungeons to recharge it or else you won't be able to use it.

  • Solve Rubik's cube
1. Rubik's cube
2. rogue 3 / cleric 5 / psion 2 / druid 6

Gives you the ability to solve the Rubik's cube by granting you a +6 at your intelligence rolls during solving, bringing the total modifier at 1d20 + INT mod. +6.

  • Examine soil
1. ranger 7 / druid 5

When tasting soil you automatically get information about the substances that are contained into the soil and the percentage of their existence there. Beware : Dangerous substances like HCN can damage you or even kill you immediately, so be careful.

  • Light glasses proficiency
1. Pair of glasses (available to any class lv 1 or higher)

Makes you proficient at wearing any kind of light glasses. Warning: Heavy glasses may cause your suffering some penalties at speed and vision so avoid any similar glasses if you don't have heavy glasses proficency.

  • Use computer
1. Computer (desktop, laptop or net-book)
2. rogue 10 / cleric 13 / psion 2 / ranger 22

Gives you the ability to turn on and off a computer , use multiple programs and connect to the Internet (if there's network coverage at your dungeon). These can help you by analyzing data and finding best ways to go on through a dungeon and by giving you information about the boss that you may meet as you proceed.

2 σχόλια:

  1. Μππρρρρ, το use computer είναι πολύ αντι-dmικο. Άσε που το listen to music θα εμποδίζει τους ήρωες να ακούνε και ελέφαντα να πλησιάζει.
